An introduction to malnutrition: What every Australian should know
New consumer research shows that most people think being underweight is the leading malnutrition symptom.* But the signs of malnutrition are many and varied, and it’s important to know what they are – some will definitely surprise you.

Why knowing the signs of malnutrition could save you from an avoidable illness
It’s a reality that’s hard to stomach (pun intended!) when living in a first world country. But did you know malnutrition, a serious health condition that affects thousands of people, continues to be unrecognised in Australia and therefore, undiagnosed and untreated?

Overcoming malnutrition? Get your health back on track with these 5 tips
If you or a love one have been diagnosed with malnutrition, you might be wondering how to get your health on track so you can get back to doing what you love. Here are 5 tips to help you start your journey to wellness today!

Can hospitalisation leave you malnourished? What you need to know
Did you know that if left untreated, nearly 70% of malnourished patients will experience a decline in their nutritional status during hospitalisation?** Malnutrition is called the silent epidemic as it’s sometimes hard to spot. Find out what you need to know about malnutrition and hospitalisation here.

Nutrition: A vital ingredient when recovering from illness
The human body and the car have many common traits. Each perform better when they’re filled with the right nutrients, and peak performance comes when they’re treated with care and respect. Find out how nutrition can help you recover from illness.

Malnutrition: Weighing in on a topic where losing weight isn’t a good thing
In today’s world, we’re conditioned to believe that losing weight is a good thing. However, not all weight loss is beneficial and this is certainly the case when an illness, such as cancer, and its associated treatment, knocks you off your feet and takes your appetite with it. Learn more around the importance around being weight loss aware and why it isn’teverything here.

365 days a year immunity: All year round health & nutrition tips to boost your body’s natural defences
Our immune systems work 365 days a year and are specifically designed to protect our bodies from illness and external forces that can make us unwell. But like everything that’s worth having, you need to take care of your immune system, so it can take care of you. Not sure where to start? Let us help you out with 5 simple ways to boost your immunity all year round.

An introduction to cancer and weight loss
Cancer is a term used to group together a set of diseases that can affect almost any part of our body. A cancer diagnosis can be a life-changing event for both the person diagnosed and their loved ones. Both the disease and its treatment can be extremely demanding on the body, taking away strength when the body needs to be at its strongest.

Cancer, weight loss and nutrition
Keeping physically strong during cancer can be tough; the side effects of the disease and its treatment can take a toll on the body, negatively affecting appetite, the way you taste food and even the way your body absorbs nutrients. Weight loss is also common for many people living and undergoing cancer treatment. Losing a significant amount of weight can impact your strength and ability to undergo treatment.

The role of nutrition in cancer care
Weight loss during cancer, particularly loss of lean body mass, can have a negative impact on your overall health. It is therefore important that you maintain your weight to give yourself the best chance possible. When eating and drinking become difficult, due to the cancer and/or treatment side effects, a nutritional supplement shake may be recommended by your healthcare professional and can help by delivering the nutrition you need to support your weight.
*The Digital Edge Weekly Omnibus Survey conducted amongst 1,500 Australians in February 2021. Data on file.** Guenter P, et al. Addressing Disease-Related Malnutrition in Hospitalized Patients: A Call for a National Goal. Jt Comm J Qual Patient Saf. 2015; 41(10): 469-473