What can you do?
The good news is malnutrition can be treated and even prevented; the type and length of treatment will depend on the individual circumstances of the person diagnosed. In its most serious form, malnutrition may require tube feeding in hospital. At the milder end of the spectrum, advice and care in the home including a nutritional plan from a dietitian may be the best approach. Regardless, it’s likely that gradually increasing the intake of essential nutrients like protein, vitamins and minerals, fibre and fluids will be included in a malnutrition treatment plan.Daily nutritional support is also often recommended to ensure essential nutrients for good health are consumed on a consistent, ongoing basis. This can be in a liquid form, like a product such as Fortisip Compact Protein or Fortijuce, which help to provide a quick and easy way to help restore nutritional balance when your usual diet is not enough.Want to find out more? Check out our Resources and Support section for more advice and information or request a Fortisip Compact Protein sample and information pack.
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Overcoming malnutrition