Your baby will begin to hear this week! They may be able to hear your heart beating, tummy rumbling or blood moving through the umbilical cord. They are now going through the motions of crying as their lungs are forming and vocal chords are formed, but without any air they are not making any sound…yet!
Your baby’s developmentBaby as big as a capsicum

Your baby’s development
Your baby is now around 14cm long and growing and developing at a rapid rate. They now have a daily routine and sleeping habit.
If your baby is a boy, his genitals are becoming much more distinct and easier to see on an ultrasound. A unique set of fingerprints is starting to form on their fingers and toes, and their grip is becoming firmer.
Your Body
Light-headedness is common at this stage. Your blood volume has increased considerably and your heart is working 40-50% harder to circulate the extra blood required to nourish you both. Meanwhile, your growing uterus is putting pressure on blood vessels, which can leave you feeling faint.
Dizzy spells are a signal to slow down and ensure you are getting the correct nutrition. If you experience persistent dizziness or light-headedness – or if you even actually faint – it’s important to seek assistance from your healthcare professional or midwife straight away.
Frequent rest, a healthy diet and eating regular small amounts during the day will help keep your blood sugar levels stable.
Take extra care with your body: when rising from chairs and moving around, be gentle and steady. For extra energy, stick with the slow-release nutrients found in oats, fruit and vegetables as opposed to foods that give a quick sugar hit.
Want to know more? Call us on 1800 842 098 or Live Chat now.
Please note: These pregnancy week-by-week articles, are meant to give you a general sense of the growth and development going on within you. However, it’s important to remember that every baby develops differently, even during pregnancy.

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