Simple ideas for a memorable first birthday party
Tempting as it may be to throw a big party to celebrate your bub’s first birthday, they will likely love something a little smaller.
If your beautiful little baby is about to turn one, then it’s time to get into party planning mode! A first birthday party is a rite of parental passage … and the good news is that it doesn’t take much to make a little toddler happy.In fact, less is often best for toddlers. They don’t like big crowds or strangers; many don’t like being the centre of attention. So keep this in mind when planning the perfect birthday for your little one.
Time it right
Most one-year-olds still need a good nap in the afternoon, while some will be getting cranky and ready for bed late-morning. You know your baby best. Time your party around your little one’s routine – ideally, you’ll want them to be well-rested and alert when it comes to cake-time.Many toddlers are, as we’ve said, overwhelmed by the big fuss – unless you’ve got a social butterfly! Be prepared to have your little one on you all day and if you notice they’re fussy with others, politely decline cuddles from family and friends.
Choose a theme
Your little one may adore having teddy bear picnics. Or going to the zoo. Think of something they love and run with it. While a themed party might not extend to guests dressing up (as, let’s face it, most guests are likely to be grans and grandads, aunts and uncles, and other adult friends), you might want to decorate your space in a theme your little one loves.
Choose a location
Your toddler’s favourite park is a great location for a first birthday – particularly if it’s a safely enclosed space where the toddlers can roam free. Otherwise, your toddler-proof backyard or living room can easily be decorated with balloons and streamers – simple things that young children love. Just remember to keep dangling cords and strings out of young babies’ reach and dispose of popped balloons straight away, as they can pose a choking hazard.
Plan the menu
You’re likely to be catering mainly for adults, so a delicious cheese platter and some savoury sandwiches should suffice. If there are other toddlers on the guest list, then the hungry little tummies will need a range of healthy snacks: think colourful platters of fruit and veg; star-shaped sandwiches; jelly cups and ice-cream; fruit muffins. And don’t forget the main attraction – the birthday cake. A one-year-old would be happy with a simple banana cake with a candle stuck in the middle.