Your baby’s leg muscles are strengthening so soon you may be able to feel slight kicks. If you are having a boy, the genitals are now distinct and may be able to be seen on an ultrasound. If your baby is a girl, their uterus has started to develop.
Your baby’s developmentBaby as big as a pomegranate

Your baby’s development
Your baby now measures approximately 15cm – a full centimetre longer than last week.
Their taste buds are now well developed and the sweetness of your amniotic fluid is instilling a preference for sweet tastes.
Your baby’s hearing is now sensitive enough to pick up sounds that are too high or too low for adults to hear.
Your Body
As your bump gets bigger, you may feel you have an excuse to eat for two. Surprisingly, you don’t need to increase your calorie intake until your third trimester. What’s more important now is to make your calories count. A healthy diet will ensure your baby gets the essential nutrients they need during this time of rapid development, and helps lay the foundations for a healthier future.
Eat plenty of fruit and vegetables, wholegrain cereals and breads. Including dairy foods such as low-fat yogurt and cheese in your diet will provide the daily calcium required by your own body and your baby’s developing bones and teeth.
Want to know more? Call us on 1800 842 098 or Live Chat now.
Please note: These pregnancy week-by-week articles, are meant to give you a general sense of the growth and development going on within you. However, it’s important to remember that every baby develops differently, even during pregnancy.

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