By the end of the second month, you’ll notice changes to your little one almost every day. As well as being more alert, your baby may already be growing out of those size 000 onesies.
Feeding your baby
With any luck, you’ll be finding breastfeeding a bit easier by this stage. Your milk has established supply around week 6 and all that hard work prior has helped. For many mums, though, pain and discomfort can still be an issue. If your nipples are too sore to allow comfortable feeding – or if you hear clicking noises from your baby during feeds – consult your nurse or other medical advisor for some tips on feeding technique.
Remember to keep up the fluids and have plenty of good nutritious food; breastfeeding mums need around 2000 extra kilojoules a day, so now’s not the time for a crash diet.
Sleep and settling
It’s common for babies at this age to sleep a bit less often; sometimes in longer blocks. And you might have noticed that your baby has discovered their thumb or fingers, and they might even be using them to help settle for sleep.
Continue responsive settling; if your baby is upset, tend to them each time. You may also discover that anyone other than those in contact with baby daily, may find it hard to settle your little one. Your baby is getting used to you, and prefers you to others.
Time to play
Keep enjoying lots of skin-to-skin contact, and give your baby some periods of ‘tummy time’. You’ll notice your baby will be able to hold their head up for short periods of time, which is important for strength and development.
As your baby’s grasp reflex lessens, grabbing at all sorts of things will become a natural instinct. Keep your little one stimulated with talking, reading and touch – these are their best toys. You may also have a range of baby-safe toys with bright colours and textures which can aid in play time.
Your baby’s hearing is improving too, so by talking, reading or singing you are likely to help your little one recognise you and may help settling at sleep time.
Baby’s developmental milestones
- Strengthening neck, chest and shoulders (your baby will seem to straighten out)
- Watching and tracking people and objects, and focusing on things a bit further away
- Moving limbs in a more fluid, less jerky, motion
- Expanding the types of sounds made
Check your calendar
- Between 6 and 8 weeks, your baby should receive these immunisations:
- Diphtheria
- Tetanus
- Pertussis
- Hepatitis B
- Poliomyelitis
- Haemophilus influenzae type b
- Pneumococcal
- Rotavirus
- Don’t forget to attend your Maternal and Child Health nurse for the 8-week appointment. Don’t be surprised if the conversation turns to your pelvic floor
- Check your nurse or local council for information on parents’ groups, which are a great way to meet locals who are also new parents, share advice and receive support
Want to know more? Call us on 1800 842 098 or Live Chat now.
Please note: These articles are meant to give you a general sense of the growth and development of your newborn baby. However, it’s important to remember that every baby grows and develops at their own pace.

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