On the cusp of toddlerhood, this is a time to sit back, relax, and congratulate yourself for getting through the unforgettable first year of your little one’s life.
Feeding your baby
Babies still need around 300ml of milk per day at 12 months old. Some mums may continue breast feeding after 12 months, which is great. Many mums also keep only one or two breast feeds a day with calcium rich yogurt, cheese or milk in between – this is okay as well. Remember milk or dairy products from 12 months are about providing extra calcium so be sure to increase yoghurt, cheese and milk based foods to help keep adequate nutrition if continuing to breastfeed.
Sleep and settling
As your baby’s sense of independence increases, refusing daytime naps is a common issue. Try to stick to your routine, as most 12-month old babies still need a couple of sleeps a day, totaling between two and three hours.
Time to play
Playing with your baby at ground level helps with feelings of security while you enjoy time together. Naming and pointing to body parts, and describing what’s happening as you play helps your little one connect words to their meanings.
Baby’s developmental milestones
- Understanding simple words and directions
- Looking at objects when you name them
- Using items correctly (drinking from a cup, holding a phone to the ear, turning pages of a book, etc.)
Check your calendar
- Make your 12-month maternal nurse appointment
- Plan for vaccinations at 12 months – one for measles, mumps and rubella, and one for haemophilus influenzae type b and meningococcal C
- Get together with friends and family to celebrate your little one’s first birthday. Throw a party! Remember you don’t have to go overboard. Don’t be surprised if baby is overwhelmed by all the activity though, and baby will probably still need a nap!
Want to know more? Call us on 1800 842 098 or Live Chat now.
Please note: These articles are meant to give you a general sense of the growth and development of your newborn baby. However, it’s important to remember that every baby grows and develops at their own pace.

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