Your due date is:
You are in week:
At this stage your baby is now called an embryo and is already growing rapidly. The placenta is formed and will nourish your baby for the remainder of your pregnancy by passing nutrients to them through the umbilical cord.
You may not feel like you are pregnant yet but that doesn’t mean that there isn’t a lot happening! Even at this early stage your baby is developing rapidly and the neural tube is already forming. Your baby will double in size by the end of the week.
At 6 weeks pregnant, your baby has doubled in size over the last week & you may be starting to feel nauseous. Learn more about your baby's development here.
You may be feeling tired at the moment and it is no wonder with all that’s going on inside you. Your baby is growing rapidly. Baby’s lungs, liver and pancreas are all being formed and the eyes, inner ears, arm and leg buds are growing this week.
This week, your baby is starting to look more like a baby! Their face is beginning to take shape and their mouth and nostrils are starting to develop. The heart has divided into chambers and is beating about 150 beats per minute – about twice the rate of an adult’s!
Your baby is now moving freely in the amniotic sac. Their arms and legs have lengthened, fingers and toes are forming and brain waves can now be measured! Their head appears much larger than the rest of their body as the brain is growing very rapidly.
Your baby now has their own unique fingerprints! Their neck is beginning to take shape, their body muscles are almost developed, the jaws are in place and nipples and hair follicles begin to grow. While it is still too small for you to feel, baby is moving, wriggling and shifting.
Your baby can now swallow and stick out their tongue! Their taste buds are starting to develop and they may soon be able to taste different flavours from the amniotic fluid. Twenty little tooth buds are now forming – the beginning of your baby’s complete set of milk teeth.
This week your baby’s fingernails and toenails are appearing. They can now suck their thumb and get hiccups! They now have a chin and a nose and their vocal chords are complete. Their pancreas is functioning and producing insulin and their brain is now fully formed.
Your baby’s kidneys are now producing urine and they are practicing making breathing movements even though they are getting the oxygen they need from the placenta. Their head is about a third the size of their body. Their first hair is now appearing on their head and eyebrow hair is developing.
Congratulations, you have reached your 2nd trimester! This trimester is often the stage of pregnancy that mums-to-be enjoy the most. The first three months were a period of rapid development but the next three will be a period of rapid growth! Your baby will quadruple in weight during the 4th month.
Your baby is now able to move its arms and even make a fist! Their legs have grown longer than their arms and their body is now longer than their head. Ears are nearly in place and the three small bones in the middle ear have begun to harden.
By now your baby has learned to breathe and is inhaling and exhaling small amounts of amniotic fluid. This will help their lungs develop and grow. Facial muscles are more developed so they may have different expressions like squinting or frowning. They are becoming more active and can kick or even somersault!
I'm in another week