• 4–6 feeding bottles with caps.
  • 4–6 teats.
  • Teats are available in a variety of shapes and flows
    • it is important to advise the parent or caregiver about the most appropriate one for their infant, or alternatively suggest they speak to their pharmacist.
    • the teats condition should be checked regularly. Teats will wear over time and may need replacing, particularly if an infant has teeth and bites. Discard any teats with cracked collars.
  • Bottle brush for cleaning bottles.
  • Sterilising equipment – this depends on the sterilising method chosen e.g. either by boiling, using a sterilising solution or microwave sterilising.
  • A breast pump may be used to assist in expressing breast milk. Ensure all parts of any equipment used to assist in expressing milk can be effectively cleaned.
  • Breast milk bags – sterile bags for storing breast milk in fridge or freezer.

Do not thaw or warm expressed breast milk in the microwave as this destroys the living cells in the milk