How to safely prepare Neocate infant formula | Neocate

How to safely prepare Neocate

All the standard hygiene processes apply when preparing Neocate formula, but special care should be taken to ensure no potential contaminants enter the formula.
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Getting your baby started on Neocate

Getting your baby started on Neocate

The amino acids in Neocate give the formula a unique smell and flavour. Your child may notice the difference, so a slow introduction is recommended.
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How long does it take for symptoms to improve on Neocate

How long does it take for symptoms to improve on Neocate?

There is always a transition period depending on the severity and type of allergic condition your child is experiencing. Always discuss your child’s symptoms and experiences with your healthcare professional.
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Nutricia Healthcare Professionals - 4 | Paediatrics Healthcare

My child has been diagnosed with a cows’ milk allergy, what do I do next?

After diagnosis from a healthcare professional, you may need to eliminate cows’ milk from your child’s diet. It’s important to replace dairy products with other alternatives and seek healthcare professional advice to ensure substitutions provide adequate nutrition.
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Using Neocate for the first time

Using Neocate for the first time

It is not unusual for babies to refuse an amino acid formula when first introduced. Don’t be concerned. Give them some time to adjust and persevere.
Using Neocate for the first time

What can you expect when using Neocate?

Neocate is an amino acid formula and so won’t be exactly like breast milk or your current formula in taste, smell or consistency. Perseverance is the key to success when introducing new textures and/or tastes to babies.
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