Fortisip® Compact Protein is an evidence-based low-volume Oral Nutritional Supplement, that helps enhance nutritional status and support better patient outcomes.¹⁻⁴

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Fortisip® Compact Protein is a high energy, high protein, low volume ready-to-drink oral nutritional supplement (ONS) specifically designed for patients who need more protein and/or struggle to consume high volumes.
  • The power of Fortisip® Compact Protein

Fortisip® Compact Protein provides 306kcal and 18g of protein in just one 125ml bottle and is designed to help improve body weight2,4 and nutritional status2,4,5 during disease-related malnutrition. It offers several key benefits including:

✓ High compliance.1

✓ Six flavours to help improve patient satisfaction.2

✓ A range of sensory-adapted flavours to address taste and smell alterations of cancer patients.6

Healthcare professionals can be confident the smaller serving (125ml) will provide the right nutritional profile for their patients, with high compliance.1

  • Low-volume ONS (125ml) versus standard ONS (200ml)

Finding an easier and more pleasant ONS for your patients to consume, may help them meet their nutritional needs when their usual diet is not enough7.



The evidence shows that low-volume, high-energy ONS improve nutrition therapy compliance when compared to a standard ONS8 making it easier for patients to adhere to their recommended dose.

Clinical studies also demonstrate that low-volume ONS, such as Fortisip® Compact Protein, help patients increase their energy and protein intake2,8-10 and meet their micronutrient requirements5. Other benefits include improved patient outcomes1-4,10 and nutritional status1-4 as well as reduced hospital admissions and healthcare use1,2.

More nutrition in less volume means better patient outcomes.1-3

LESS volume, HIGH compliance1: Patients are more likely to consume their required nutrition with a smaller serving size, supporting better adherence to dietary plans,1 higher energy and protein intake2,8-10, reduced malnutrition risk1-4, and reduced hospital admissions.1,2

LESS wastage, MORE nutrient intake: The reduced volume of Fortisip® Compact Protein helps decrease waste, ensuring both better resource management and nutrient intake for your patients.11


LESS volume, MORE choices: Offering patients the widest range of flavours available in the ONS category, supporting better adherence to meet nutritional requirements and reduce the risk of malnutrition.1-4 The Fortisip® Compact Protein range meets individual taste preferences, including flavours that have been developed for cancer patients experiencing taste alterations.6

Explore the evidence

Fortisip® Compact Protein is supported by strong evidence

To understand how the range can help improve patient outcomes and reduce wastage in your clinical practice, explore the following resources.

Read the Fortisip Compact Range Evidence Booklet which summarises the latest clinical evidence using our compact oral nutritional supplements.

Access Here

Watch our webinar about cutting wastage using a low- volume versus standard ONS11.

With Accredited Practicing Dietitian, Dr Shelley Robert

Watch now

Access the 2023 pilot study which found trends toward reduced wastage and significantly increased nutrient intake.11  

Read the ONS Wastage Study Pilot Poster

Access Here

Fortisip® Compact and Fortisip® Compact Protein tackle key challenges healthcare professionals and patients encounter in clinical nutrition.


Effective intervention for malnutrition can’t wait. This is a common issue among patients, particularly those who are elderly or have chronic conditions. It can lead to complications, delayed recovery from illness and increased healthcare costs.12,13

Fortisip® Compact Protein provides a high protein, high-energy solution to help combat malnutrition and reduce the risk for patients.

A clinical study showed that 52% of high-risk malnutrition patients reduced their risk of malnutrition when using Fortisip® Compact Protein.1


Ensuring patients consume their prescribed oral nutritional supplements can be challenging, especially when larger volumes are involved.

With its compact 125ml format, Fortisip® Compact Protein results in significantly higher patient satisfaction and supports high compliance.1,2

This smaller volume helps patients consume their required nutrition more easily, contributing to better health outcomes.1-4 There are also six delicious flavours for patients to choose from.


In clinical settings, large ONS volumes may lead to significant wastage, as patients struggle to finish their serving. Fortisip® Compact Protein addresses this by offering a smaller serving size, significantly increasing energy and protein intake.11

A 2023 pilot study showed trends toward reduced wastage when patients consumed Fortisip® Compact Protein compared to a standard 200ml ONS.11 

Healthcare Utilisation

Poor nutrition can lead to extended hospital stays, frequent readmissions, and increased GP visits, all of which place a burden on healthcare systems.

Fortisip® Compact Protein has been shown to reduce healthcare utilisation, contributing to a reduction in hospital stay length, fewer hospital admissions, and a reduction in GP visits.1

Additional Educational Resources & Services:

ONS Wastage Calculator:

Learn more about our ONS Wastage Calculator which can be customised to find out the potential savings you can make for your healthcare facility and patients.


FREE recipe e-book: Spoonful of Wellness

The Spoonful of Wellness recipe e-book was created to give your patients inspiration and ideas on how to easily incorporate Fortisip® Compact Protein into their daily routines. Inside you’ll find a variety of delicious, nutritious recipes including:

✓ Overnight Bircher muesli

✓ Vegetable frittata

✓ Mocha mudslide smoothie


Meet our Careline experts

For more information and to request Fortisip Compact Protein samples, contact the Nutricia Clinical Careline on 1800 060 051 or - (Monday to Friday, between 7.30am and 5pm (AEST) excluding Public Holidays).
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* Compared to a standard 200mL ONS per serve.

Fortisip® Compact, Fortisip® Compact Fibre and Fortisip® Compact Protein are Foods For Special Medical Purposes and must be used under medical supervision.  View our privacy statement here.

  1. Brown F, et al. J Nutr Health Aging. 2020 Feb;24(3):305-311
  2. Smith TR et al., Nutrients. 2020 Feb; 12(2):517.
  3. O’Brien W et al. J Prim Health Care. 2022 Nov; 14:363-367.
  4. Grönstedt H et al. J Am Med Dir Assoc. 2020 Sep; 21 (9):1229-1237
  5. Cawood A, et al. Clin Nutr. 2017 Sep; 36: S175-S176.
  6. De Haan J J, et al. Supportive care in cancer. 2021;29(10):5691-5699.
  7. Watterson C, et al. Nutr Diet. 2009; 66(3):S1-S34.
  8. Hubbard G et al. Proc Nutr Soc 2010; 69: E164.
  9. Van de Berg GH, et al. Clinical Nutrition. 2015 Feb; 34(1): 15-19.
  10. Stange I et al. J Am Med Dir Assoc. 2013 Aug;14(8):628.e1-8.
  11. Low volume vs a standard 200ml oral nutrition supplement wastage in hospital over 3 days: A pilot comparative effectiveness trial, 2023 ESPEN Poster presented by Dr S Roberts
  12. Stratton R et al. Disease-Related Malnutrition: An Evidence Based Approach to Treatment; CABI Publishing: Oxford, UK, 2003.
  13. Elia, M. The cost of malnutrition in England and potential cost savings from nutritional interventions. In A Report from the Malnutrition Action Group of BAPEN and the National Institute for Health Research Southampton Biomedical Research Centre; BAPEN: Redditch, UK, 2015; Available online: (accessed on 4 December 2024).