Please prepare the drink in accordance with the instructions on the tin. The formula should be prepared with warm, safe drinking water instead of boiling water as high heat warming and incorrect preparation may limit the benefits of the Bifidobacterium breve M-16V. Do not use a microwave oven to warm drink as it may produce […]

There is no artificial flavouring in Karicare Family. Karicare Family has a similar taste to other unflavoured toddler milk drinks, with a flavour similar to milk and milk powders. If your child is refusing it due to the taste, you can incorporate Karicare Family into their favourite food and drinks for an extra nutritional boost. […]

Karicare Family has no added sugar. The sugar in Karicare Family is lactose, the sugar naturally found in milk.

Karicare Family should not be used in conjunction with other toddler milk drinks or fortified milk drinks as the nutrients received from multiple sources may exceed the recommended daily intake (RDI) for the different age groups. If you decide to move your child from a toddler milk to Karicare Family, we would suggest a hard […]

Karicare Family is made with New Zealand cow’s milk and has been fortified with probiotics, key vitamins and calcium. Karicare Family is a good source of calcium and each serve also contains 1 billion active probiotics. Karicare Family is a formulated supplementary food and is designed to supplement a normal diet when intake of energy […]

It means that the product contains standard cow’s milk powder which has fortified with additional nutrients such as Vitamin A, B1, C, D3, calcium and probiotics.

There is no upper age limit for this product. It is suitable for people aged 4+ years. If you are not sure whether you can consume the product, please consult with your healthcare professional.