Nutritional management of COVID-19 patients who are critically ill
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Key takeaways
In this webinar, Dr Emma Ridley presents:
- the latest ANZ and global evidence & guidelines for the nutritional management of critically and acutely unwell patients with COVID-19.
Speaker bio

Dr Emma Ridley
Is a Senior Research Fellow at ANZIC-RC, Monash University, and a Senior Clinical Dietitian in ICU at The Alfred Hospital. She completed her PhD in 2018, focusing on energy requirements and nutrition delivery in critically ill patients. In 2019, she was a finalist for the Premier’s Awards for Health and Medical Research. Emma has delivered numerous national and international presentations, served as an Editor for Australian Critical Care, and authored 43 peer-reviewed publications. She has secured $6.3 million in research funding and is the Chief Investigator on the INTENT trial, exploring hospital nutrition interventions for critically ill patients (NCT03292237).