Experiencing Morning Sickness At 6 Weeks Pregnant

Key nutrients for you and your baby

Your baby’s development

This week, your baby is starting to look more like a baby! Their face is beginning to take shape and their mouth and nostrils are starting to develop. The heart has divided into chambers and is beating about 150 beats per minute – about twice the rate of an adult’s!


Your baby’s developmentBaby as big as a raspberry

Baby as big as a raspberry

Your baby’s development

In medical terms, your baby is now called a foetus, which is Latin for ‘young one’ or ‘offspring’.

They measure around 15mm long from the crown of their head to their bottom.

Your baby’s eyes, mouth and nose are becoming more defined. Eyelids are beginning to develop but they are still fused shut.

The buds of your baby’s milk teeth are starting to form around now. Meanwhile bone cells are beginning to form and their tiny joints are developing. Until now your baby’s fingers and toes have had a webbed appearance. This webbing is now thinning out.

Every organ is now in place in your baby’s body and unique fingerprints are beginning to form.

Key takeaways

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Phasellus molestie felis ante, in dapibus diam ullamcorper id. Praesent convallis erat at nibh porttitor, non ultrices tellus consectetur. Nulla facilisi. Suspendisse mollis lacus in libero malesuada, sit amet fermentum augue vulputate. Phasellus consectetur dictum dignissim. Etiam faucibus nisi mollis ipsum porttitor dapibus. Ut scelerisque maximus est, quis mollis libero convallis in. Cras venenatis quam ac enim varius interdum. Maecenas tempus, est ut lacinia eleifend, diam libero commodo velit, in condimentum nisl diam a leo. Cras ex purus, cursus sit amet enim nec, sagittis semper dui. Praesent auctor bibendum auctor. In risus nunc, tempus sed pharetra quis, porttitor id velit. Nulla sagittis elit a pulvinar laoreet.

Please Note:

These pregnancy week-by-week articles, are meant to give you a general sense of the growth and development going on within you. However, it’s important to remember that every baby develops differently, even during pregnancy.

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