The importance of folic acid during pregnancy


Key points

  • Folic acid, also known as folate, supports your baby’s development
  • Folic acid helps your baby’s central nervous system function normally
  • Increase your folic acid intake with folic acid-rich meals or supplements

Folic acid (or folate) — protecting your baby’s future health

Even before you know you’re pregnant, folic acid — also known as folate — supports your baby’s development. It plays a significant role in the formation of your baby’s neural tube. This is formed in the first month of pregnancy and eventually becomes your baby’s spinal cord and brain. Together, these will form your baby’s central nervous system and the control centre for your baby’s future growth, development, and normal functioning later in life.An adequate intake of folic acid has been shown to reduce the risk of neural tube defects (NTDs) including spina bifida. Spina bifida is the name given to a condition when the spinal column fails to close.Although folate is present in many foods, it is difficult to get sufficient levels from your diet. Folic acid is strongly recommended as a nutritional supplement during pregnancy to support your growing baby.

How much folic acid do I need during pregnancy?

Folate is a B vitamin, known as folate when found naturally in foods and as folic acid when it is used to fortify foods such as bread and breakfast cereal, or in a dietary supplement.It is recommended that women take a folic acid supplement, particularly in the first trimester. Ideally, it’s best to start 4 weeks before conception and continue the supplement for the first trimester when your baby’s neural tube develops, forms and closes. By taking a folic acid supplement at the recommended dose you will reduce the risk of your baby having an NTD.In Australia all wheat flours (except organic) are fortified with folic acid. This means most breads in Australia contain folic acid. In New Zealand it is voluntary for foods to be fortified with folic acid. Because of this, the amount of folic acid recommended to be supplemented in New Zealand for pregnant women is higher than in Australia.Some prenatal supplements contain folic acid. Alternatively you can take a separate supplement for folic acid. Ask your health care professional for information on access to supplements and the recommended dose for you.

How to increase your folate/folic acid intake to help reduce the risk of NTDs

  1. Increase your intake of folate-rich foods such as:
  2. Try these folate-rich meals and snacks:
    • Baked beans on whole-meal toast
    • Roasted kale chips
    • Broccoli dipped in hummus
  3. Take a folic acid supplement. Talk to your health care professional about access to these and the recommended dose.

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Not every parent can produce breast milk. No matter what choice you make, we will support your unique feeding journey.  

We at Nutricia believe in providing the best nutrition for babies, which is why we recognise breast milk is uniquely superior for babies as it provides many benefits. It is important that mums have a healthy diet to support breastfeeding. A decision not to breastfeed, or partial bottle feed, may reduce breast milk supply making it difficult to reverse. The cost and social implications of using feeding methods should be considered. Always seek professional advice about feeding your baby. Ensure formula is used as directed as improper use can affect baby’s health.

REMEMBER: The information on this page is general only. If you have any concerns about your baby’s poo or questions about constipation or any other health concerns, please speak to a healthcare professional, like a Pharmacist, GP or Maternal Child Health Nurse.

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