Category Archives: Nutrition

This spinach and potato puree recipe for baby is easy to make and perfect for introducing your baby to solids. This recipe is for babies aged 7 to 9 months.

At around six months of age your baby will be ready to start solids. How to introduce solids, what foods to start with & starting solids tips.

Do you have a fussy toddler? Try these fussy eating tips to improve your toddler’s eating habits and make meal times easier and more fun.

As your baby grows into a busy and curious toddler, they’re going to need plenty of fuel to keep them going.

Great healthy & nutritious food ideas by Karicare for babies & toddlers, check out this helpful nutrition guide for children aged from 7 months to 3 years.

Ready to change baby formula? Click here and find out when it is the best time to change your Karicare baby formula.

Where it all begins: select New Zealand farms. The key ingredient of Karicare A2 Protein Milk for Toddlers is a very simple one, fresh dairy milk.